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On June 11th, 2024, the DNR denied the City of Port Angeles’ Trust Land Transfer application to protect the Elwha watershed and the city’s water supply from more logging. The reasons they cited:

Our staff at DNR has evaluated your application and found it to not be in the best interests of the trusts to transfer the parcels out of trust ownership. In addition, Clallam County and its Revenue Advisory Committee stakeholders raised concerns about the proposal, with the advisory committee unanimously asking that the application be denied on the basis that the application does not meet the parameters of the TLT program.

We’re not giving up!

The City of Port Angeles Elwha Protection Project Trust Land Transfer (TLT) application is the best solution to protect Elwha Legacy Forests!

On September 30, 2023, the City of Port Angeles filed an application to transfer 3,089 acres of state forest lands in the Elwha River Watershed (including “Power Plant”, “TCB23” and “Alley Cat”) away from WA Department of Natural Resources industrial forest management and into protected status.

View it here: Trust Land Transfer Application – City of Port Angeles

Part of the process is showing community support!! Use the above Action Network form to voice your support or send your own email:

TLT Advisory Board:

Kenny Ocker, TLT Program Manager
Robert Winslow, TLT Program Coordinator
Be sure to CC Board of Natural Resources:

To:, Kenny Ocker <>, Robert Winslow<>
CC: Board of Natural Resources <>
Subject line: Elwha Watershed Protection Project

Example Letter:

Dear advisory members of the Trust Land Transfer Committee,

I am writing to express my support for the City of Port Angeles’s Elwha Watershed Protection Project under DNR’s Trust Land Transfer program. I support the City of Port Angeles in managing these areas for drinking water protection, habitat restoration and climate resilience. The Elwha River is the sole water source for over 25% of the county, including all of Port Angeles’ residents and businesses. DNR’s industrial logging is incompatible with the millions of dollars spent to restore this iconic watershed. I ask that the DNR stop logging older forests in the Elwha Watershed and permanently protect and restore these lands.

**Make your letter stronger by including who you are, where you live/work and your relationship to the Elwha river!**


  • Ann Faires says:

    Keep fighting for the Legacy forests and don’t forget who votes. Who determines your job status. I vote.

  • Joseph Johnson says:

    I am in full support of the transfer, and will be paying close attention to the outcome.

  • Coleman Byrnes says:

    Transfer the land and protect the land and salmon. Coleman Byrnes.

  • Jane Erickson says:

    I have lived here 50 years because preserving nature is honored. Health problems recently necessitated my living elsewhere for a time. As a newcomer there, I would describe myself as “a forest person” to encapsulate my identity. I am back now and am comforted by the resumption of that identity in its fullest. Thank you for every effort you put forth to preserve it.

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