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In March 2023, the beautiful Aldwell Legacy Forest was logged, despite the community effort to stop it. Exactly one year later we gathered for a grief ceremony to witness and honor what has been lost by logging and what remains. Together, through ritual, we will begin to process grief, offer healing to the land, and ground our efforts to protect legacy forests.

For many of us, touring Aldwell with Nina, from Magic Forest Tours (and Center for Responsible Forestry) or Elizabeth, from Earth Law Center, over a year ago is what introduced us to the growing community of Olympic Peninsula residents that don’t think these diverse ecosystems should be destroyed and converted to tree farms, especially with all that they do to help mitigate the climate crisis. That hike connected us on many levels.

While we weren’t able to save Aldwell, we’re now part of an active community and together, we have succeeded in saving two other diverse forests in the Elwha River Watershed from being cut down. But we won’t forget what we’ve lost with Aldwell.

Standing on the logged hillside, we could look down and see the Little River, a major tributary of the Elwha River.


  • Mary says:

    Beautiful pictures Scott-you really captured the sense of both places and events, with such a discerning eye. Thank you so much!!! XOXOX!

  • Julie says:

    Thank you Scott for your support and love for our mother earth and her legacy. All beings benefit in one way or another.
    It feels good what we do as a family to preserve our inheritance.

  • I recently visited Clallam County to hike the old-growth and legacy forests in the area and, especially, to witness the Elwha River under restoration. I was incredibly fortunate to stay at Wandering Joy Campground, which is adjacent to the “Shore Thing U4” legacy forest that community action saved from being logged. I experienced awe and gratitude as a I walked through this forest. I share in your grief for the destruction of the Aldwell Legacy Forest. It’s good that you created this opportunity to grieve in community. The alternative is numbness. Thanks for your advocacy and for sharing these photos and stories. In solidarity, David Voelker, Green Bay, WI

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