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Watch the Earth Law Center’s award winning 20 minute documentary Last Stand: Saving the Elwha River’s Legacy Forests featuring the work of the Elwha Legacy Coalition to stop the “Power Plant” timber sale and protect the Elwha Watershed.

Against the backdrop of stunning landscapes (with cinematography by John Gussman and Florian Graner) and stirring testimonials, the hopeful yet poignant film captures the extreme urgency of the loss of older, structurally complex and biodiverse legacy forests along the Elwha River and the power of grassroots activism to effect change. The goal of the film is to permanently protect the remaining 850 acres in the watershed itself, and to raise awareness about the larger campaign to protect the last legacy forests in Western Washington (112K acres).

This is such a beautiful portrayal of the pain and the value of this time and work. We need to realize that beyond what seems like one simple thing is ‘death by a thousand cuts’. May it go far and wide to further help people connect the dots that everything is sacred and has it’s important place in the tapestry of Life.

Thank you to those who shoot high for change…it happened, this is a part of it!

-Mary Minton

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